Between Firehouse Road and Roy Hill Road in the island center.
Date Protected
October 2024
Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust
11 acres
Public Access
This property does not currently have a public access point. However, there is an existing trail that cuts across part of the property. CCLT aims to connect this trail to the Hamilton Durgin/Littlefield Woods network of trails in the future.
Conservation Purposes
Habitat protection, aquifer protection, carbon sequestration, and eventual connection to an existing trail network.
Description & History
In 2024, two sets of siblings in the Ross and Calder families sold this land to CCLT to honor their parents' island heritage and legacies. It was most recently used as a woodlot for the landowners’ personal consumption. In the past, when it was an open meadow, it served as a sheep pasture and has been referred to by that name over several generations.
The parcel is located on the inner spine of the island. It is an excellent example of a healthy, mature mixed hardwood-softwood upland coastal forest. There are several large specimens of red spruce, white pine, Eastern hemlock, American beech, yellow birch, American hophornbeam, red maple, and red oak. Ferns, hobblebush, and striped maple can be found in the understory. It is mostly well drained and dry, and the property gradually slopes to one corner. The woods are habitat for deer, snowshoe hare, and at least 25 species of birds, including Cooper’s Hawk, Pileated Woodpecker, White-breasted Nuthatch, and Red-eyed Vireo.