The property is located on the southwest side of Tuttle Road in Cumberland, adjacent to the power lines.
Date Protected
December 1997
Breakwater School in Portland (CCLT easement)
21 Acres
Public Access
There is currently no public access to this property. It is used by the Breakwater School for outdoor environmental and experiential education programs.
Conservation Purposes
To protect the natural resources of the property and provide an outdoor setting for youth education opportunities.
Description & History
In December 1997 the Bullens-Crewe family placed 21 acres of woodlands into a conservation easement with the land trust and subsequently donated the land to the Breakwater School in Portland. The land was conserved and gifted in memory of their daughter Jessie who had a great love of the natural world. Part of the property was once the field of a working farm that has since been colonized by a dense stand of white pine. The remaining woodlands were harvested many years ago but today consist of mixed hardwoods and softwoods. A small stream meanders through the property and its adjacent marshy areas providing habitat for aquatic life.