The property is located in Cumberland Foreside on the east side of Route 88 near the intersection with Tuttle Road. A large parking lot is located on the right side of Beach Drive just beyond the entrance.
Date Protected
December 1997
Spears Hill Homeowners Association and Town of Cumberland (CCLT easement)
104 acres
Public Access
The public is welcome to enjoy the beach and trails. There is public access to 23-acre Broad Cove Reserve, the Stonewall Trail, and the Spears Hill Trail during daylight hours for walking, boating, swimming, fishing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and educational activities.
Use Rules:
Dogs: Prohibited from the beach; Permitted on the trails, but must be on a leash at all times. Because of the close proximity to sensitive marine habitats, please be sure to pick up after your dog.
Daytime use only - even in the winter months
Bikes and motorized vehicles prohibited.
Please stay on marked trails. Most of the trails are on private property, so please respect landowners’ privacy by staying on marked trails, complying with use rules, and staying relatively quiet.
Conservation Purposes
Limiting development, protecting scenic views, protecting natural and historic resources, and public access to the shore.
Description & History
The property has an interesting history that includes being the site of important fishing grounds for Abenaki people and then the site of the Cumberland’s town farm. A portion of the history is documented in this sign displayed at the property.
This conservation easement was the result of years of consideration and discussion between the land trust and members of the Payson family. This prominent parcel, bounded by Casco Bay on the east and Route 88 on the west and characterized by fields, forests, and shorefront, was notable for its scenic and habitat values. It also was ripe for several dozen prime building lots. This easement limited the development potential to just 10 residences and established a trail for public use.
The Payson property remained largely undisturbed and intact until 2014 when it was sold to 179 Foreside, LLC for development. Subsequently, the developer offered a portion of the property to the Town of Cumberland for use as a public park. In November 2014, Cumberland residents approved a referendum allowing the Town to acquire 12 acres along the shorefront, including the beach and pier, and an additional 9 acres along Route 88, along with a gravel road linking the two parcels. The Town has since welcomed public access to the beach, improved the access road and bath house for use by beach goers, and added a parking lot to accommodate visitors. Renamed Broad Cove Reserve, this town-owned portion of the property represents the best waterfront access opportunity within the Town of Cumberland. The remainder of the parcel is being developed into a series of private house lots in accordance with the restrictions of the conservation easement.
In 2018, CCLT was granted a trail easement which allowed for the creation of additional trails. In 2022, the Spears Hill Trail was completed. This trail allows visitors to complete a roughly 1.5-mile loop starting from the upper parking area, walking north along the Stonewall Trail, then east and south along the Spears Hill Trail, and then returning back to the parking lot via Beach Road.
For more information, see the Town of Cumberland’s Broad Cove Reserve website.