March 12, 2025 | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Cumberland Town Hall
Want to improve habitat for trees, birds, and other wildlife on your land? Join us at this Landowner Open House hosted by the Cumberland Lands and Conservation Commission. CCLT and forest and wildlife professionals will be on hand to provide useful info about land conservation options and how you can sustainably manage your land.
Presentations about the Town of Cumberland forest management guidelines, how a district forester and consulting forester can help you meet your management goals, advantages of enrolling in tree growth or open space tax programs, and options for permanently protecting your land will be followed by an opportunity to visit topic tables for more info and discussion.
Come for the whole two hours or however long you can. Bring a friend or neighbor with you. Everyone interested in learning more about land management in our town is welcome, whether you are a landowner or not.